• Question: doo u think tht soon mutant jelly babies will take over earth and kill everyone with genetic engeneiring

    Asked by chumly to Alison, Artem, Caroline, John, Gunther on 19 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Artem Evdokimov

      Artem Evdokimov answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      No, I really see no way for that to happen. It would be cool if mutant chocolate bunnies take over my refrigerator though. There’s a depressing lack of chocolate bunnies in there and an even more depressing abundance of vegetables…

    • Photo: John Short

      John Short answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      If I were aliens wanting to enslave the people of earth I would genetically engineering a virus to make everyone ill and not be able to fight, or use a virus to deliver a drug to make people to susceptible to my commands 🙂
