• Question: if i eat a pound of lard will i die?

    Asked by chumly to Alison, Artem, Caroline, John, Gunther on 19 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Artem Evdokimov

      Artem Evdokimov answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      Simple: don’t try it. You probably will not die but you will almost certainly feel sick/unhappy.

      On a lighter note (?) there was a very ancient form of execution where a condemned criminal would be forced to swallow molten fat (tallow or some other fat that melts at high temperature)…

    • Photo: John Short

      John Short answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      No, but it’s not the nicest thing to eat, digest or go to the toilet with.. However, I have eaten a litre of ice cream before, and did not feel sick, and it made me really happy – Haagen Daas Belgian choc is amazing!
