• Question: what is the most interesting thing you have ever learned about science in your life

    Asked by thafoxtrotgamer to Artem on 20 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Artem Evdokimov

      Artem Evdokimov answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      I hesitate to name just one ‘thing’ – this is a very difficult question for me because I like so many of the various aspects of science… I would say that I get really excited whenever I see a new protein fold – the intricacy and elegance of the design is mesmerizing to me. On the other hand I always thought that the ‘retinal computer’ (a mesh of neurons behind/within our retina that pre-process visual information before it hits the brain) was way neat (and how clever visual illusions ‘hack’ this computer). Or the way chemical energy from food is harvested by living cells through a series of clever electronic cascades such that even the tiny scraps aren’t lost. It’s really hard to decide, and I suspect that I’ve not learned nearly enough to say what I like the most, anyway.
