• Question: What types of science/bioligy do you teach in general?

    Asked by britneyandersonx to Artem on 20 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Artem Evdokimov

      Artem Evdokimov answered on 20 Jun 2012:


      I work for a company so I don’t teach biology in a classical sense – like a professor would, for example. But I do help others at work to learn specifics of what my particular side of science looks like. In turn I learn from them what their science looks like. So in my years with pharmaceutical companies I picked up a fair bit of physiology and pharmaco-kinetics (how drug molecules interact with our bodies in gross terms) whereas in my current job i picked up a lot of plant science and entomology. In return I (hopefully) have taught my friends and co-workers a thing or two about structural biology, enzymology, chemistry, molecular biology and structure-based design 🙂

      Through the years I had several opportunities to have interns in my lab – that’s always a lot of fun! I also had delivered a couple of lectures here and there.
